Project 2025 === Donald Trump

Donald Trump Owns Project 2025

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UPDATE: July 31, 2024: The Director of Project 2025, Paul Dans, stepped down and the Trump campaign released this in response:


The Harris campaign responded:


Don’t be fooled. Trump and his supporters fully intend to implement Project 2025, if elected.

Here’s a link to the complete, original (so called) Mandate For Leadership

Trump recently claimed that he had no idea about what Project 2025 was and that he had no relation to it.

Trump is mentioned at least 287 times in their 900 page document called The Mandate for Leadershp.

Here’s a brief overview of what Project 2025 is and why you should be terrified of a Trump second term:


Here are the 287 occurrences of Trump’s name in the Project 2025 manifesto:

Row Count Page Number Paragraph Containing ‘Trump’
1 16 ously served as Chief Counsel for the Trump transition and earlier clerked for
2 17 eral at the Justice Department during the Trump Administration. He received his
3 18 Services in 2019 and then, from November 2019 through the end of the Trump
4 18 Rick Dearborn served as Deputy Chief of Staff for President Donald Trump and
5 18 President-elect Donald Trump transition team. Before that, Rick served in several
6 19 and Chief Financial Officer of the U.S. Department of Commerce in the Trump
7 19 dation. During the Trump Administration, Mandy served as the Chief of Staff at
8 20 Awards and other awards. During the Trump Administration, Dennis served in
9 20 President Trump to be Chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board.
10 20 Christopher Miller served in several positions during the Trump Administration,
11 21 by President Donald Trump to perform the duties of the Assistant Secretary of
12 21 senior White House officials to serve with Donald Trump from the 2016 campaign
13 21 White House memoirs In Trump Time (2021) and Taking Back Trump’s America
14 21 (2022). His top-rated Taking Back Trump’s America podcast appears on Apple
15 21 Bureau of Land Management for President Donald Trump. For 30 years, he was
16 22 work for President-elect Trump’s transition team and served as the Senior Policy
17 22 Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. From 2006 to 2007, von
18 23 longtime conservative leader on Capitol Hill, Russ served in President Trump’s
19 23 Donald Trump’s transition team as Agency Action Leader for all the federal eco -
20 23 Paul served in both the Biden and Trump Administrations for three terms as the
21 23 served in the Trump Administration as Chief of Staff at the U.S. Office of Personnel
22 24 for Freedom at The Heritage Foundation. Groves served in the Trump Adminis -
23 53 observe that “the Trump Administration appointed fewer political appointees in
24 78 Deputy Associate Directors (DADs)—until the Trump Administration placed this
25 82 MIAO . Building on the example and work of the Trump Administration, Presi -
26 82 by President Trump that were designed to make the regulatory process more
27 90 The Trump Administration’s major space policies—including the U.S. Space Force,
28 90 NSpC under the Trump Administration was able to coordinate a wide range of
29 91 During the Trump Administration, if a topic was purely military, such as stand -
30 92 During the Trump and Biden Administrations, there has been a bipartisan focus
31 92 Under President Trump, IOTF priorities were artificial intelligence (AI), quantum
32 98 8. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13891, “Promoting the Rule of Law Through Improved Agency
33 98 9. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13771, “Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs,”
34 98 10. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13777, “Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda,” February 24,
35 98 12. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13892, “Promoting the Rule of Law Through Transparency and
36 98 13. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13893, “Increasing Government Accountability for Administrative
37 98 14. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13924, “Regulatory Relief to Support Economic Recovery,” May 19,
38 98 15. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13979, “Ensuring Democratic Accountability in Agency
39 98 16. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13980, “Protecting Americans from Overcriminalization
40 99 32. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13803, “Reviving the National Space Council,” June 30, 2017, in
41 100 39. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13807, “Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the
42 106 Central Personnel Agencies: Managing the Bureaucracythat would change regularly to depress cheating. President Donald Trump’s OPM
43 106 In 2018, President Trump issued Executive Order 1383916 requiring agen -
44 111 Barack Obama began their terms, as did Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, by
45 111 lowing President Trump’s employment freeze told agencies to consider buyout
46 112 Despite several attempts in the House of Representatives during the Trump years
47 112 The Trump Administration proposed some possible consolidations, but these
48 113 Frustrated with these activities by top career executives, the Trump Adminis -
49 114 Rather than being daunted, President Trump issued three executive orders:
50 115 Trump faced special hostility from the opposition party and the media in getting
51 115 Under the early PPO, the Trump Administration appointed fewer political
52 117 16. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13839, “Promoting Accountability and Streamlining Removal
53 118 24. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13957, “Creating Schedule F in the Excepted Service,” October 21,
54 118 26. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13836, “Developing Efficient, Effective, and Cost-Reducing
55 118 27. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13837, “Ensuring Transparency, Accountability, and Efficiency
56 131 act of 19867 and was organized effectively during President Donald Trump’s
57 153 Trump’s classified National Security Presidential Memorandum 13,
58 157 the Trump Administration proposed restoring the SLCM-N to help fill a
59 163 36. See Sidney J. Freedberg Jr., “Trump Eases Cyber Ops, but Safeguards Remain: Joint Staff,” Breaking Defense ,
60 163 [NSPMs]: Donald J. Trump Administration,” updated March 7, 2022, https:/ /
61 178 proposed rulemaking for the Trump Administration’s public charge rule (includ -
62 211 key initiatives in effect at the conclusion of the Trump Administration.
63 218 inter alia, reinstituting and expanding Trump Administration sanctions;
64 218 l Second, the next Administration should build on the Trump
65 224 The Trump Administration’s “tough love” approach to international organiza -
66 224 tions served American interests. For example, the Trump Administration withdrew
67 225 support this goal, the U.S. led an effort during the Trump Administration to forge a
68 226 previous Administrations (including the Trump Administration) to make
69 236 One of the two DNIs confirmed by the Senate during the Trump Administra -
70 236 accomplished solely because President Trump made it repeatedly clear to the
71 245 claims of Trump–Russia collusion following the 2016 election and the suppression
72 248 authority in recent years. When seeking surveillance of Trump campaign adviser
73 271 management prior to the tenure of Trump-appointed leadership.
74 271 status was suspended by Trump-appointed USAGM leadership for a number
75 271 whistleblowers came forward to sound the alarm about OTF to Trump-
76 272 Late in the Trump Administration, following the long-delayed Senate confirma -
77 272 of the Senate confirmation of President Donald Trump’s USAGM CEO, Michael
78 273 Late in the Trump Administration, USAGM political leadership, following an
79 273 near-daily criticisms of Trump Administration appointees and also of grantee organi -
80 273 pendence. Indeed, content during the Trump Administration was rife with typical
81 273 (and her holdover into the beginning of the Trump Administration) was marred
82 274 last six months of the Trump Administration, known foreign intelligence opera -
83 274 By the time these issues were addressed by members of the Trump Adminis -
84 274 to which they were transferred in the final weeks of the Trump Administration.
85 274 and Trump Administration officials found that protection of USAGM American
86 275 President Donald Trump’s appointees in June 2020, budgeting, financial responsi -
87 275 whistleblowers came forward to sound the alarm to President Trump’s USAGM
88 277 the Trump Administration by consolidation of the State Department’s Bureau
89 278 Media Agencies: U.S. Agency for Global MediaFor example, the years-long delay in confirming the Trump-appointed
90 286 and size of its activities, and especially its budget. The Trump Administration faced
91 287 Under the Trump Administration, USAID focused on ending the need for for -
92 287 on the conservative reforms instituted by the Trump Administration. This will
93 288 During the Trump Administration, USAID:
94 289 The next conservative Administration should restore and build on the Trump
95 293 applied these conditions to family planning assistance, but President Trump for
96 294 religious freedom is central to USAID’s development efforts. President Trump’s
97 294 Under the Trump Administration, the agency set up a senior-level Chief Adviser
98 295 Partnering and procurement reform was a pillar of the Trump Administration’s
99 296 Trump Administration, the multibillion-dollar program increased the amount
100 297 occurred during the Trump Administration with the NPI); and improving USAID’s
101 298 outcomes achieved by our global health programs. The Trump Administration
102 302 parts of the world, and offset China’s predatory loans and investments. The Trump
103 303 conservative Administration should build on the Trump Administration’s brand -
104 305 the transformation of USAID undertaken during the Trump Administration, the
105 307 President Trump’s Abraham Accords signaled the end of the centrality of the
106 307 Trump Administration, USAID’s allocations reflected the new opportunities
107 309 launched by the Trump Administration to “bring[] together services from
108 309 successful aid program. During the Trump Administration, PEPFAR increased the
109 310 The Trump Administration focused on promoting trade and investment,
110 311 The Trump Administration agenda for USAID was undercut from the outset
111 312 reforms undertaken by the Trump Administration to counter Communist China’s
112 313 13. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13926, “Advancing International Religious Freedom,” June 2, 2020,
113 314 Agency for International Development16. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13957, “Creating Schedule F in the Excepted Service,” October 21,
114 318 drug activity; and restart the Trump Administration’s “China Initiative” (to address
115 327 power to any meaningful extent. This changed dramatically during the Trump
116 332 The Trump Administration bolstered USDA work expectations in the
117 333 Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promisethe more than 40 million food stamp beneficiaries, the Trump rule would
118 333 The Trump reform was scheduled to go into effect, but a D.C. district court
119 333 The Trump Administration proposed to close the loophole with a rule
120 333 regulation was not finalized before the end of the Trump Administration.
121 334 states continue to inflate their standard utility allowances. Under the Trump
122 341 In 2018, President Donald Trump issued Executive Order 13855 to, among
123 347 65. Ibid. On December 16, 2020, the Trump Administration appealed the District Court decision. See, for example,
124 351 122. Donald J. Trump, “Promoting Active Management of America’s Forests, Rangelands, and Other Federal Lands
125 366 The Trump Administration’s 2020 Title IX regulation protected the founda -
126 367 its intent to enter the rulemaking process to restore the Trump
127 368 The Trump Administration rescinded the Obama Administration’s guidance
128 368 l The next Administration should continue the policy of the Trump
129 406 reinstate an iteration of the Trump Administration’s Executive Order 13920, “Secur -
130 407 in the bulk power system as envisioned in President Trump’s May 2020
131 410 Policy Act (NEPA)38 for LNG exports that was established by the Trump
132 412 the Trump DOE prioritized the relatively few appliance regulations that
133 419 Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promiseenergy. The Trump Administration took a less aggressive approach in Executive
134 423 AE was established during the Trump Administration to create a central office
135 424 Energy Review (QER). The Trump Administration shut down the QER and gave
136 428 President Trump, significant changes in waste classification from HLW to LLW
137 444 Department of Energy and Related Commissions19. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13920, “Securing the United States Bulk-Power System,” May 1,
138 446 64. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13834, “Efficient Federal Operations,” May 17, 2018, Federal
139 459 l Restore the Trump EPA position on Once-In, Always-In (that major sources
140 482 Americans than do those of any other federal agency. Under President Trump, HHS
141 494 Department of Health and Human ServicesTrump Administration’s HHS chose that course. Subsequently, however, the Biden
142 496 demonstrations from the Trump Administration that were withdrawn, weakened,
143 503 Congress should build on the Trump Administration’s efforts to expand choices
144 505 those states. HHS under President Trump disallowed $200 million in
145 506 nor the spirit of the law was enforced under President Obama, and a Trump-
146 506 HHS should reinstate a Trump Administration regulation and enforce what
147 507 HHS should revive a Trump Administration proposed regulation,
148 508 was done under the Trump Administration. This includes the Children’s Health
149 509 ing basic assistance, who account for 22.3 percent of TANF outlays. The Trump
150 516 l Restore Trump religious and moral exemptions to the contraceptive
151 516 rule proposes to amend Trump-era final rules regarding religious and
152 521 reversed Trump Administration rule that required all HHS agencies to
153 522 for Domestic Women’s Health. In the Trump Administration, there was a Special
154 524 In 2021, HHS reversed a Trump Administration regulation that required grant -
155 524 Trump Administration regulation for the program. It should also do this quickly
156 527 l OCR should return to Trump Administration policies that initiated
157 527 l A draft OCR RFRA and religious freedom rule from the Trump
158 528 regulations and fix guidance documents. In 2020, the Trump
159 529 Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise3. Issue a proposed rule to restore the Trump regulations under Section
160 529 5. Issue and finalize the Trump-era draft disability rights regulations
161 538 the Trump Administration budget request but included in HUD’s FY 2023
162 542 forward under the Trump Administration that would prohibit noncitizens,
163 545 per-year agency. Before the Trump Administration, HUD effectively did not have
164 545 to the agency’s financial infrastructure. By the end of the Trump Administration,
165 548 30. The Biden Administration has issued a proposed rule to replace the Trump Administration’s “Preserving
166 549 in various ways, including by a task force instituted at the department during the Trump Administration, but
167 551 thanks to Obama, on western federal lands.8 President Donald Trump, on the other
168 552 by Obama) rolled back as substantially as it was by President Trump. Trump’s
169 554 from Interior Secretary Deb Haaland to rescind the Trump Administration’s
170 554 reinstate the Trump-era Energy Dominance Agenda, rescind Secretarial Order
171 555 new Administration must immediately reinstate the following Trump DOI sec -
172 557 l Rescind the Biden rules and reinstate the Trump rules regarding:
173 557 l Reinstate President Trump’s plan for opening most of the National
174 557 the results. President Trump’s Schedule F proposal44 regarding accountability in
175 557 Thus, the Trump Administration’s decision to relocate BLM headquarters from
176 558 The Trump Administration recognized that, despite its attractions, not every -
177 558 adverse union activity. It is hard to please everyone, but the Trump Administra -
178 559 an increase of 15 from the 41 announced by Trump’s BLM in 2019, and an increase
179 560 In the final days of the Trump Administration, Secretary David L. Bernhardt
180 561 eral, state, and local law enforcement officers. In the Trump Administration, they
181 564 l Reinstate President Trump’s 2020 Alaska Roadless Rule64 for the Tongass
182 565 tarial order issued by the Biden DOI69 that eliminated the Trump Administration’s
183 565 Although President Trump courageously ordered a review of national mon -
184 566 The Trump Administration adopted common-sense NEPA reform that must
185 566 adopted by the Trump Administration, such as placing time and page limits on
186 568 l Reissue Trump’s Schedule F executive order to permit discharge of
187 568 Trump, and consistent with its authority along with other federal agencies, DOI’s
188 574 Reversing Trump,” Washington Post , April 19, 2022, https:/ /
189 574 44. Donald Trump, “Executive Order on Creating Schedule F in the Accepted Service,” Executive Order 13957,
190 576 72. William Perry Pendley, “Trump Wants to Free Up Federal Lands, His Interior Secretary Fails Him,” National
191 576 85. News release, “Trump Administration Returns Management and Protection of Gray Wolves to States and
192 577 95. Donald J. Trump, “Presidential Memorandum on Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water
193 589 The DOJ’s China Initiative under President Trump reflected the department’s
194 599 During the Trump Administration, a condition added to grants stated that an
195 599 in “sanctuary cities” from receiving grant awards. While the Trump Administra -
196 600 gration was largely neglected until the Trump Administration. The Department
197 600 Attorneys General under President Trump left off and exercise his or her
198 601 during the Trump Administration. Such rulemakings include guidance
199 602 the department in prior Administrations—particularly during the Trump
200 607 ‘Politicized’ Biden DOJ for Appointing Trump Special Counsel: ‘Absolutely Disgraceful,’” Fox News, November19,
201 615 progress by the Trump Administration, a massive administrative state now hangs
202 623 The Trump Administration finalized rules to provide clarity on which workers
203 625 States). The Trump-era threshold is high enough to capture most
204 626 who employ them. In October 2019, President Trump signed an executive order
205 627 The Trump Administration expanded apprenticeship options through the cre -
206 629 for college by needlessly requiring degrees for many jobs. In 2020, the Trump
207 633 Trump, tried rulemakings (known as the Intermediate Bodies Rule) that would
208 633 Under President Trump, OLMS required unions to disclose involvement in
209 635 court. In 2018, the Trump Administration formally rescinded the persuader rule.
210 639 l DOL should repromulgate the Trump-era staffing flexibility rule, and
211 640 l DOL should return to the Trump Administration’ s approach of
212 641 military companies and state-owned enterprises. Under the Trump
213 646 means of enforcement and cover only the most basic of workers’ rights. The Trump
214 648 average. The Trump Administration’ s FY 2020 request, $10.9 billion,
215 648 l Maximize hiring of political appointees. At its best, the Trump
216 648 which was reopened by the Trump Administration after the Obama
217 650 13. Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13932, “Modernizing and Reforming the Assessment and Hiring of Federal
218 655 DOT would also reduce unnecessary burdens by returning to the Trump Admin -
219 663 supporting evidence. The Trump Administration reformed the process for issuing
220 668 that make transit uneconomical. The Trump Administration urged Congress to
221 678 The Trump Administration made Community Care part of its “Veteran-
222 686 swiftly. Trump Administration executive orders on civil service reform
223 691 Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative PromiseTrump Administration’s steel tariffs, and the retaliatory tariffs levied by other
224 691 eliminating “the destructive Trump–Biden tariffs”—in order to make goods more
225 698 outdated and inefficient systems. The Trump Administration began implement -
226 703 costs associated with overseas staff and flat or reduced budgets. The Trump
227 713 l Add a citizenship question. Despite finding that the Trump
228 715 In the Trump Administration, the EDA served an important role for the CARES
229 716 l Leveraging of the direct hire authorities established in the Trump
230 717 Donald Trump.5
231 717 why the Trump Administration proposed eliminating funding for the agency in
232 717 sector entities. Eventually, the Trump Administration changed course and pro -
233 719 Transfer and ROI (return on investment) initiatives begun under the Trump
234 720 implement the Trump Administration’s Information and Communications
235 722 9. Donald J. Trump, “Executive Order on Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services
236 755 intervention is needed to help fight China. President Trump used this argument
237 782 Trump proposed a rule to remove all of the unconstitutional religious exclusions
238 785 be similar to the approach adopted by President Trump in his January and
239 786 eligible size.42 The Trump Administration SBA notified several Planned
240 787 several SBA loan programs. The Trump Administration proposed a rule that would
241 787 Trump Administration SBA advised that two such provisions violate the Free Exer -
242 787 On January 19, 2021, the Trump Administration SBA proposed a rule to remove
243 788 l Finalize the Trump Administration’ s proposed rule or publish its own
244 795 37. President Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13771, “Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs,”
245 795 J. Trump, Executive Order 13777, “Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda,” February 24, 2017, in Federal
246 801 As President Donald Trump indicated in announcing his 2017 National Security
247 801 President Donald J. Trump, 2019 State of the Union Address8
248 803 To address this nonreciprocity stalemate, President Trump urged Congress in
249 820 we learned during the Trump Administration, any further negotiations with Com -
250 820 Upon taking office in 2017, President Trump put on hold his 2016 campaign
251 820 in good faith. As a result, on June 15, President Trump began to impose a series of
252 820 The clear lesson learned in both the Obama and Trump Administrations is that
253 820 sion. An equally clear lesson learned by President Trump, which he was ready to
254 822 preparations for a potential Trump second term were being made. These options
255 824 During his first term, President Donald Trump preached that there can be no
256 827 Reagan, and Trump Administrations teach us that “personnel is policy” or, in
257 827 During the Trump Administration, President Trump’s key policy advisers
258 827 Communist China’s economic aggression. As much as President Trump did on
259 827 ica’s trading partners and typically would seek to expand global trade. The Trump
260 828 Trump Administration, with the notable exception of the President’s third National
261 828 When President Trump wanted to implement steel and aluminum tariffs, he
262 828 the Trump Administration: Economic security is also national security. Without
263 835 tive Trump–Biden tariffs.
264 838 are extremely difficult to unwind if they backfire. This happened with the Trump
265 838 quickly undid the Trump Administration’s conservative regulatory reforms but
266 844 years. The Trump and Biden Administrations were not inclined to start the process,
267 845 consequence is now nonfunctional. Both the Trump and Biden Administrations
268 848 Trump Administration but was abandoned in favor of a less effective blanket
269 848 Partnership agreement might have been the Trump Administration’s
270 851 7. Jim Garamone, “Trump Announces New Whole-of-Government National Security Strategy,” U.S. Department
271 851 8. “Remarks by President Trump in State of the Union Address,” The White House, February 5, 2019, https:/ /
272 852 Trade14. Adam Behsudi, “Duffy Finds 18 Co-sponsors for Bill to Increase Trump’s Tariff Powers,” Politico , January 24,
273 852 29. Press release, “President Trump Announces Strong Actions to Address China’s Unfair Trade,” Office of the
274 853 39. This is a key theme of the author’s White House memoir Taking Back Trump’s America: Why We Lost the
275 854 54. Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Eujin Jung, “Steel Profits Gain, but Steel Users Pay, Under Trump’s Protectionism,”
276 859 Carr writes that during the Trump Administration, the FCC took an “appro -
277 875 33. See, for example, Paul Sperry, “Trump Is Finally Fixing This Economy-Killing Agency,” New York Post ,
278 881 the Trump Administration.17 Any new presidential Administration should
279 883 Protecting America’ s National Security. During the Trump Administra -
280 885 l Launch a Clean Standards Initiative. During the Trump Administration,
281 886 prevailed during the Trump Administration—policies that enabled the U.S. to lead
282 918 Trump Administration, as Heritage had accumulated a backlog of conservative
283 918 Soon after President Donald Trump was sworn in, his Administration began
284 918 As a result of those recommendations, the Trump Administration cut taxes and
285 918 view on Fox News, I mentioned that President Trump had implemented more
286 918 the time, Reagan did not have both a Republican House and Senate as Trump did.
287 918 Nonetheless, President Trump liked being compared to a former President he